Special Circumstances and Appeals


Special circumstances refer to any changes in your finances, enrollment plans, or living situation that may affect your cost of attendance or expected contribution. Students may submit information about these circumstances and/or submit an appeal to have their financial aid eligibility adjusted.

How to Appeal

Submit your request, along with copies of appropriate supporting documentation, through the “Required Info and Forms” page of your FAST portal. Make sure your USC ID number appears on each supporting document. You will be contacted if additional documentation is needed.

Appeal Funding

Re-evaluation of your financial aid eligibility is subject to federal, state and university regulations, and is based on:

  • Availability of funds;
  • Timeliness of your original application for financial aid; and
  • Timeliness of your appeal and the nature of the change in circumstances

Notification: We will notify you of our decision or if we require additional information.

Aid Adjustment

Changes to Federal Work-Study

DECREASING Your Federal Work-Study Amount
In some cases, it may be possible to convert unused Federal Work-Study eligibility to Federal Direct Loans or private loan eligibility.

Submit a request through the “Required Info and Forms” page of your FAST portal. Explain why you are unable to use the full amount of your Federal Work-Study eligibility and state the amount you would like to convert to loans.

INCREASING Your Federal Work-Study Amount
Submit your request through the “Required Info and Forms” page of your FAST portal. Attach a memo from your employer supporting your request and include the additional amount you are requesting, your hourly rate, and the number of hours you work per week.

Reducing or Increasing Your Loans

DECREASING Your Loan Amounts
Submit a request to decrease your loan amount(s) if you were approved for more loan funds than you wish to borrow. Please note: You must submit your request for a cancellation or reduction to your federal loans within 120 days of the date of disbursement.

INCREASING Your Loan Amounts
You may submit a request to increase your loan amounts, provided that your financial aid package does not already include the maximum annual amounts for Federal Direct Subsidized and/or Unsubsidized Loans. Please note: You must submit your requests for semester loan increases before the end of the semester.

Budget Increase

The Cost of Attendance (budget) is used to determine your financial aid eligibility and includes an amount for tuition and mandatory fees, based on your enrollment plans, as well as average amounts for standard educational expenses such as housing and food. Also included are books, supplies, local transportation, and miscellaneous expenses. More information about the standard student budget can be found on the Costs page.

If your current school-related expenses are more than your current budget, you may be eligible for a budget increase. Budget increases are considered on a case-by-case basis, subject to federal and university policy. Approved budget increases are typically funded with Federal Direct Loans or private financing.

Before submitting an appeal, we ask that you visit the Federal Student Aid website to view your current total loan debt and consider how this additional loan may affect your repayment amounts after graduation. Prior indebtedness may be considered in determining whether a budget increase will be approved.

Types of budget increases that can be considered are listed below, along with the supporting documentation that we require. To allow sufficient time to process any loans, appeals and all supporting documents should be submitted at least 30 days before the end of the term.

Type of Change Documentation
Books: Books exceeding the amount included
in student budget.
  • Itemization or books required for courses.
  • Receipts to show amounts paid or printouts from the Schedule of Classes website verifying cost.
Childcare: Expenses necessary for class attendance during your enrollment period.
  • Letter identifying child’s name and age as well as the name of the childcare provider and days/hours that childcare is provided.
  • A copy of the contract verifying childcare expenses.
  • A student “Income & Expense” form.
  • In some cases, we may request copies of cancelled checks or receipts to verify expenses.
One-time computer purchase and necessary computer software: (Must be purchased no earlier than June 1 prior to the start of the academic year.)
  • Itemization of expenses incurred or requested.
  • Receipts to show items purchased, or Internet printouts showing prices of items to be purchased.
Conferences: Required for your educational program.
  • Itemization of expenses incurred or requested.
  • Memo from department chairperson verifying that attendance is required for the student’s class or educational program.
Course/lab fees: Not included in student budget.
  • Itemization of expenses incurred or requested.
Course-related equipment and other expenses: Necessary for your educational program but not included in the standard
  • Itemization of expenses incurred or requested.
  • Letter or memo from department chairperson or other authorized person verifying that the expense is necessary for your class or program and that the amount requested is an average and reasonable amount.
Disability-related expenses: During the enrollment period.
Health and Dental Insurance: Mandatory for student/spouse/family. Note: Increase is limited to the cost of the USC Plan.
  • Itemization of expenses incurred or requested.
MD student rotations and interview expenses.
  • Provide a written request indicating the dates of rotation, copies of cancelled checks or credit card statements for travel expenses. and a copy or the rental or lease agreement bearing the student’s name or hotel receipts.
  • Provide verification of all interview dates, and documentation showing exact dates, exact flight and exact hotel you intend to reserve. Alternatively, if you are driving, provide documentation of mileage as well as the name and location of the hospitals (20 maximum).
Exceptional dietary expenses: Exceeding amount included in the standard budget.
  • Itemization of expenses incurred or requested.
  • Documentation, such as doctor’s note or letter from the Office of Student Accessibility Services or Athletics, stating student has special dietary needs.
Medical/dental expenses: Incurred for student during the enrollment period, are emergency in nature and not covered by insurance.
  • List of expenses incurred.
  • Billing statement or invoice showing procedure, cost, amount covered by insurance and the amount you must pay.
  • For non-dental expenses, a letter from the student’s primary physician supporting the treatment.
USC Parking Permit
  • Itemization of expenses incurred or requested.
Rent: Exceeding the standard budget ($1,363 per month for undergraduate students).
  • Copy of lease or rental agreement in student’s name.
  • Copies of two cancelled checks or money orders to verify payment of rent.
Professional licensing fees: Incurred during enrollment period.
  • Documentation of expenses
Transportation expenses: Exceeding amount included in student budget.
  • Itemization of expenses incurred during period of enrollment, including purpose of travel, number of times per week you travel, and documentation of the length of your commute.
Travel expenses: For undergraduates from out of state or out of area (maximum of two round-trips home per school year).
  • Itemization of expenses.
  • Receipt or internet printout to show expenses to be incurred.
Tuition: Exceeding amount included in student budget.
  • Itemization of expenses incurred or requested.


Change in Income or Resources

Families occasionally experience changes in income and/or resources (due to job loss, illness, etc.) during the application period and/or academic year. If this applies to you, you can submit an appeal through your FAST portal. All appeals will require specific documentation, as outlined below. Contact the Financial Aid Office if you have any questions regarding this process.

Type of Change Documentation
Decrease in parent’s earnings: Parent has had a significant decrease in total family income due to 12 weeks or more of involuntary unemployment, forced retirement, or other non-elective loss of earned income.
  • Letter of termination /reduction.
  • “Income and Expense” form for parent.
  • Copy of last pay stub (include both parents, if married).
  • Documentation of severance pay, vacation pay, retirement benefits, unemployment and/or disability benefits.
  • A complete copy of the parent’s most recent federal income tax return, if not previously submitted.
Decrease in student’s earnings: Student’s income will decrease due to a reduction in employment to accommodate
full-time enrollment.
  • “Income and Expense” form for student.
  • Copy of last pay stub.
  • A copy of the student’s most recent federal income tax return, if not previously submitted.
Reduction of other sources: Parents who have special circumstances and have experienced a reduction in other income sources such as untaxed income, rental income, one-time capital gains, or a one-time IRA/pension distribution, etc.
  • “Income and Expense” form for parent.
  • Documentation of income reduction.
  • K-1 statement for stock sales.
  • Documentation of use of one-time income.
  • A complete copy of the parent’s most recent federal income tax return, if not previously submitted.
Extraordinary expenses: Examples of expenses we will consider in determining your parent’s expected contribution: elder care, out-of-pocket medical expenses, private elementary- or secondary-school tuition for younger siblings and child support payments. Expenses we will NOT consider: (your or your parent’s) consumer debt and car payments.
  • “Income and Expense” form for parent.
  • For medical expenses, a copy of Schedule A from the parent’s most recent federal income tax return, or an itemization and documentation of expenses paid out of pocket in the previous year.
  • For other expenses, an itemization and documentation of out-of-pocket expenses.

Dependency Status

Strict guidelines set by both the federal government and the university govern dependency status. Almost all undergraduates are considered dependent for the purposes of receiving financial aid.

Undergraduates who meet certain conditions may be considered independent for the purposes of receiving federal and state aid (such as the Cal Grant, Federal Pell Grant, and Federal Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans).

To be considered independent for the purposes of receiving federal aid, you must meet one of the following conditions:

  • You are at least 26 years of age by December 31 of the academic year you are admitted to USC.
  • At the time you complete your FAFSA, and at the time of entry to USC, you are married.
  • At the time you complete your FAFSA, and at the time of entry to USC, you have children who will receive more than half of their support from you during the award year and the summer preceding the award year.
  • You are an orphan or ward/dependent of the court.
  • You are a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces with at least one year of full-time, active-duty service for purposes other than training.
  • The USC Financial Aid Office has verified that you are an unaccompanied minor or youth who is homeless, or who is self-supporting and at risk of being homeless. Submit a letter with information about your circumstances through FAST.
  • The USC Financial Aid Office has verified that you are an individual who meets Special and/or Unusual Circumstances as defined by the U.S. Department of Education. Submit a letter with information about your circumstances through FAST.

If you are required to submit parent information when you are admitted to USC, you will be required to submit parent information throughout your enrollment, regardless of your age, marital status, or other changes in circumstances (excluding the death of both parents).

You may submit an appeal, however, if you feel that your situation would justify independent status. Appeals should explain your circumstances in detail and include supporting documentation.

Housing Change

Your financial aid summary indicates the housing status you reported when you applied for financial aid. It will be shown as:

  • Living with parents or relatives, or
  • Not living with parents or relatives

Submit an updated Financial Aid Supplement if your housing plans change.

Please note: Your eligibility for aid will be reduced if you decide to live with parents or relatives.

Your eligibility for aid may increase if you decide to live separately from parents or relatives. Please submit the following documentation to confirm the change in housing:

PLUS Loan Denial - Undergraduate Students

If your parent’s application for a Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan is denied, they may reapply with an endorser, or you may be eligible to borrow additional Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan funds.

Appealing the denial or reapplying with an endorser 

Your parent must contact the Federal Direct Loan Servicer for more information at studentaid.gov or (800) 557-7394.

Requesting an additional Direct Unsubsidized Loan

If your parent does not plan to appeal or reapply for a PLUS loan, request an additional Direct Unsubsidized Loan through the “Required Info and Forms” page of your FAST portal.

We will determine your eligibility for an additional Direct Loan once the Federal Direct Loan Servicer has notified us.

Merit Scholarships

The Financial Aid Office can consider appeals only from students who are awarded merit scholarships during the admission process.

Leaves of Absence

Taking a Leave of Absence
Notify the Financial Aid Office in writing of your leave of absence or send the Financial Aid Office a copy of your Leave of Absence form. Specify the reason for the leave of absence as well as its expected duration.

Returning from a Leave of Absence
Your scholarship will be on hold for the approved duration of your leave of absence. To reinstate your scholarship, submit a written request before you return to USC.

NOTE: All USC Merit Scholarships are limited to a total of eight semesters of eligibility (10 semesters for students in the five-year architecture program).

Loss of Scholarship

Due to Under-Enrollment
You are required to complete a full-time course load each semester (generally 12 units) to remain in good standing for your scholarship. If you are unable to maintain full-time enrollment, submit a written appeal that explains your circumstances.

Due to Academic Ineligibility
Scholarship recipients must remain in good academic standing with the university (as defined by the Registrar’s Office). Scholarships will not be renewed for students who fail to meet academic requirements, and scholarship eligibility cannot be restored, even if grades improve.

Late Financial Aid Applications - Continuing Students

Eligibility for financial aid may be reduced for continuing students who submitted financial aid documents after the published deadline(s). 

If you missed a deadline due to unforeseen circumstances, you may submit an appeal and include documentation.